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Fan Project Coordination at the German Sports Youth (KOS) was established in 1993 to provide content-related support, coordination, and assistance in the establishment of further fan projects for socially pedagogical fan projects as youth work facilities. Currently, 68 fan projects at 61 locations in Germany are supported in managing fan scenes. It is located at the German Sports Youth (dsj) in Frankfurt am Main.

The KOS is the recognized interface between professional pedagogical fan work, fan culture, social science, as well as societal and sports political institutions. By managing the quality seal "Fan Project according to the NKSS," the KOS contributes to uniform professional standards in the field. Additionally, the KOS serves as an advisory and informative body to football institutions, as well as to politics, police, and media. The KOS is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ), the German Football Association (DFB), and the German Football League (DFL). It is staffed with five referents and one administrative specialist.

Fan Work in Football - An International Model

With the long-standing successful activities of fan projects in Germany, the preventive approach of socio-pedagogical work with young football fans enjoys great recognition. The work of fan projects in Germany has contributed to recognizing and integrating fan culture as an integral part of football, making it a model example in Europe.

Since the 1990s, the KOS has been organizing fan support measures at FIFA World Cups and UEFA European Championships in men's football in cooperation with the network Football Supporters Europe (FSE) and the German Football Association (DFB).

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